Sun 12 - Sat 18 October 2025 Singapore
co-located with ICFP/SPLASH 2025
Xin Zhang

Registered user since Fri 26 Jun 2015

Name:Xin Zhang

Xin Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University. While he is broadly interested in topics related to programming languages (PL) and software engineering (SE), his current focus is on program analysis and its interplay with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). On one hand, he leverages ideas from ML/AI to build better program analyses. On the other hand, he develops program analyses and languages for improving intepretability, fairness, robustness, and safety of ML/AI systems.

Affiliation:Peking University
Personal website: http://xinpl.github.io/
Research interests:Programming Languages, Operating Systems, and Software Engineering


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